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Keeping your business safe during the COVID-19 pandemic

by Sentry Security - Published on 2/19/2020 8:46 AM
Image for:   Keeping your business safe during the COVID-19 pandemic

Business Safety

In the wake of the COVID-19 crisis, security services and security personnel are expected to keep doing their job by providing essential service to the public, while keeping safe and fighting the virus simultaneously. We at Sentry Securityhave outlineda few safety guidelines for your office staff and security officers during this COVID-19 pandemic.

1. Identifying the signs & symptoms:

The symptoms of the COVID-19 coronavirus included fever, cough, breathing difficulties, shortness of breath, etc. Certain data has indicated that the symptoms don’t show up immediately, and usually take 2 days or as long as 15 days after being exposed to an infected person or surface.

2. Personal protection from exposure:

SARS-COV-2 is the virus causing COVID-19. It is known to spread from person to person via respiratory droplets suspended in the air or due to close contact with infected people. The droplets occur when the infected person coughs or sneezes. Therefore, it is particularly important to maintain social distancing by keeping a safe distance of up to 6 feet from others.

3. Develop & practice personal hygiene:

It is very important to wash your hands for at least 20 seconds using soap and warm water. It is also important to use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer frequently. It is advised not to touch your face or eyes with unwashed hands.

4. Use of recommended PPE:

The minimum PPE recommended for our security officers and staff is as follows.

• A pair of disposable examination grade gloves.

• National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health (NIOSH) approved particulate respirators.

• Disposable goggles or face shields for eye protection.

We have a rise in clientele and the workload for our officers has increased considerably during the COVID-19 pandemic. For officers who have a paycheck to pick up, we have implemented a no-contact system on paydays. Our CEO / President made it a priority to have masks available forall our employees and officials, which bears the logo of our company Sentry Security and that of ACF. He has also personally made sure hand sanitizers and gloves are available to all our employees and officers.Our officers have also been trainedonthese safety protocols and the importance of maintaining strict social distancing.

We have gone a step further by making sure our office space is thoroughlycleaned and sanitized daily, with adeep cleaning and sanitizing done weekly. Our customers have requested that our security personnel wear a mask at all times and the same message has been conveyed to all our officers on the field.

At Sentry Security we assure and pledge that all our staff, officers, and our esteemed clients have taken the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic very seriously and will ensure that we do our best to contain it from spreading further. We provide a wide range of security services in the St Louis Metropolitan area. Call us today to know more about the services and security measures we are providing during this coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic.

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